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The FlexxRight® excavation bucket makes excavation safer reducing cost and risk

screenshot2View footage of the FlexxRight® bucket in action. This video highlights the advantage of using a FlexxRight® bucket on services instead of a traditional steel bucket. Despite multiple intentional hits, neither the HDPE or HV cable core are damaged by the FlexxRight®. In comparison the severe damage caused by just one swipe with a steel bucket could result in a catastrophic outcome.

To view the video, click here



The FlexxRight® Bucket

Our exciting new product is the FlexxRight® bucket which makes excavating safer, more efficient, and reduces risk and associated costs. 

The FlexxRight® excavating bucket is one of the most dynamic products ever to be introduced into the pipeline and utility excavation, location and inspection market.

The FlexxRight® bucket is a heavy-duty carbon steel attachment saddle married to a flexible, CNC milled polyethylene bucket body that resists impacts, eliminates dangerous and costly pipeline and utility damage and brings strength and efficiency to all of your excavation and location jobs.

It is available in two sizes - 762mm diameter bucket for machinery up to 15t and 457mm diameter bucket (the FlexxRight Mini) for machinery up to 6t. 

Available for all major brands & models of backhoes and compact excavators, the patented FlexxRight bucket brings job safety and site production to new heights.


In these images below, you can see the damage inflicted by one swipe of a steel bucket to HDPE compared to using the Flexx Right bucket.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it work in my soil conditions?
The FlexxRight is designed and manufactured for ‘disturbed
soil’…and targeted for the pipelining and utility markets. It is effective in many soil conditions. It is not designed for rock breaking or trenching.

What is it made of? How long will it last?
The FlexxRight is the unique combination of Carbon Steel and HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Strength, flexibility and safety are the hallmarks of the FlexxRight. Used in optimal conditions, the FlexxRight is effective for a very long period of time.

What is the warranty?
3 years on the steel body.

Will it fit my equipment?
We have the knowledge and experience to fit the FlexxRight® to all major brands and models of excavating equipment.

How do I buy one?
 Email us : salesThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 We’re here to take your call +61 407696146

Can we see it in action? Can we get a demo?
Please contact us as above for more information on attending or hosting a demonstration.

Please visit us on YouTube – keyword – FlexxRight to view videos of the FlexxRight® in action in varied
conditions and environments.

What sizes are available?
The Flexx Right® is currently available in 457mm (18") and 762mm (30”) diameter bucket sizes.

Are there plans for any other sizes?
The Flexx Right® is constantly under research and development for improvements, additional sizes and
new applications.


Our Workforce

"A strong workforce for a strong future"
We understand the demands of work within the gas industry and we will find the best job for you.

We want

  • an experienced workforce
  • a workforce with integrity
  • a reliable workforce
  • a workforce eager to work
  • a workforce working together

The FlexxRight® Mini

mini dimensionsmini dimensions2The FlexxRight® Mini

The FlexxRight® Mini is targeted at compact and mini-excavators weighing up to 6 metric tonnes

The FlexxRight® Mini is available in a 457mm (18”)  diameter size with all the performance and features of 762mm (30”) model

The FlexxRight® Mini is the flexible bucket with a penetrating profile, a non-marking body design, tremendous strength and service, exceptional manoeuverability.

The finest quality manufacturing and design by Hammersmith Mfg. makes the FlexxRight® Mini the safest and most flexible bucket for utility and pipeline contractors everywhere.

Excavate and locate safely and with ease.

Eliminate dangerous accidents and damage, reduce costs and increase safety.